Kramerica Industries, LLC

webManos™ Privacy & Security Policy

Privacy respects the privacy of your's and your organization's personal information. We do not use information collected from your organization in any way except for the purposes of allowing your organization to administer a fundraiser. Any information you provide us is held in confidence. We will never give or sell your organization's information to any outside party.


Any information that we have collected is provided to us on a voluntary basis either by you or your organization's administration. makes every effort to ensure your data is held in a secure environment. However, like all websites, we cannot guarantee complete security. This is especially true for information transmitted via e-mail. We do, however, make every feasible effort to ensure any information provided to us is maintained in a secure environment. This includes the use of SSL technology for transmitting data on our website over the internet as well as encryption in our files.

Your organization's fundraising website on is only available to those with whom you choose to share your password(s) with. In order to protect your data, we strongly suggest you do not publish your password(s) on the internet. If you have administrative access on, you may not share your password. Each administrator must have his or her own unique username and password.
A product of Kramerica Industries, LLC.
Providing web applications to synagogues and other organizations since I999.
For more information contact webManos™ of Kramerica Industries, LLC
at (9I7) 73I-8699 or websales @ webmanos . com .

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